Covid Shield
Developed by
TÜV AUSTRIA with responsibility and regards to:
- Health
- Safety
- Business Continuity
Covid Shield…
sets out fundamental requirements and procedures that an Organization should implement in order to be awarded with a “Covid Shield” Certificate, which verifies an appropriate mechanism, adequate resourcesand suitable positioning of infrastructures are always in place and adjusted to current epidemiological data and guidance, to evidently support prevention of inflow, or spread of the coronavirus disease at each
Applies to…
all companies whose activity involves socializing, hospitality and generally have meeting places
- hospitality companies (hotels, accommodation)
- restaurants
- catering, food preparation and processing units,
- transport companies
- supply chain
- commercial stores (supermarkets, retail stores, malls)
- sports and gymnastics centers
- public services
- educational centers
- schools
- facility management etc
Steps to Certification
- STEP 1
Submission of the “Covid Shield” Application to TÜV AUSTRIA - STEP 2
Acceptance of financial terms and conditions of cooperation (Cooperation Agreement and Certification Regulation) - STEP 3
Preparation of the Organization for the development and implementation of a systemic approach mechanism to meet the requirements of the Scheme
- STEP 4
Scheduling and conduction of the audit - STEP 5
Certification after the successful completion of the audit. The Scheme allows three different Levels of “Covid Shield” certification (Principal, Higher or Excellent) based on the combination of the selected number of the intermediate Surveillance Audits and the sequence of their notification type - STEP 6
Organization’s compliance monitoring according to the certification level (Surveillance, Follow-up, Re-Certification, Extension and Exceptional Audits)